Calling all Contractors! Click here for information and Current Bids!

We are a volunteer-driven organization which means that we rely on people like you in order to operate. From working on construction sites, at our ReStore, in our office, or serving on committees, volunteers greatly impact every aspect of our organization. Whatever your skill level, ability, or interest, there is a place for you!


Our construction volunteers are an essential part of building homes, communities and hope. No construction experience is necessary!


Our ReStore volunteers are an important part of the store’s workforce and help with a wide range of tasks. ReStore volunteers may assist in picking up or accepting donations, organizing and inventorying items and goods for resale, greeting and assisting customers, helping at checkout, or assisting in the ReStore office.


There are so many ways to get involved as an individual volunteer. You can help make a difference in our community!

businesses & social groups

Looking for a meaningful team building activity? We’ve got you covered.

volunteer orientation

Find our Volunteer Orientation information and safety videos here.